And bank-to-bank lending rates slipped.
European Inter-bank lending rates fell after the ECB's press conference.
The rush to bonds reflects both expectations of lower inflation and a longer period of rock-bottom central-bank lending rates.
The bank left its lending rates unchanged.
It shows that these economies are responding to deliberate efforts by policy makers to slow growth by raising interest rates, tightening bank lending and letting currencies appreciate.
The Chinese central bank, for instance, has come under intense pressure to lower interest rates and ease restrictions on Banks' lending to developers.
The People's bank of China has cut interest rates three times and strict controls on bank lending have been scrapped.
The People’s Bank of China raised interest rates for the fifth time in eight months, increasing both the one-year lending and deposit rates by a quarter of a percentage point.
The real rate of interest paid on bank deposits is negative and lending rates are far too low for such a fast-growing economy.
That means keeping very low interest rates and flooding markets with money to encourage bank lending and consumption.
The last time the central bank cut benchmark lending rates was February 2002.
The central bank has hinted for two months it plans to buy Treasurys to drive interest rates lower in an attempt to spark lending and spending.
Though the central bank hasn't raised interest rates this year, it has tried to cool growth by using quotas to ration bank lending.
One explanation is that the quasi-governmental home-loan banks and mortgage agencies have been lending to bank at rock-bottom rates.
This is "quantitative easing": doling out Bank of England cash in vast quantities at negligible interest rates to boost lending and spending on an epic scale.
China's central bank is likely to continue to trim the spread between lending and deposit rates in the future, cutting into bank margins.
On September 5th the Bank of England got its monkey wrench out and tackled one issue, the half-percentage-point gap between overnight lending rates and its official benchmark.
China's central bank raised its one-year lending and deposit rates by 0.27 percentage points, to 7.29% and 3.87% respectively.
The People's Bank of China announced it would increase one-year rates by 25 basis points from today, raising the deposit rate to 3.25 per cent and the lending rate to 6.31 per cent.
Against market expectation, bank deposit and lending rates remained unchanged.
With bonds disappointing and bank instrument interest rates near record lows, professional investors are lending through major P2P sites to bolster their returns.
随着债券回报率令人沮丧,而银行的利率又接近历史低点,专业投资者通过各大P 2 P网站放贷,以加强他们的回报。
On the one hand, bank deposit and lending rates, bank reserve ratio has continuously dropped, increasing money supply to stimulate the economy more and more clear policy intent.
Canada has fewer bank branches, which can be affected by the current drop in lending rates. This means fewer Banks will lose less money on account of the faulty borrowing that has been going on.
Canada has fewer bank branches, which can be affected by the current drop in lending rates. This means fewer Banks will lose less money on account of the faulty borrowing that has been going on.