Loan growth is wilting and a survey by the European Central Bank (ECB) suggests that lending conditions are becoming stricter.
In Britain, a survey for the bank of England (BoE) at about the same time showed an increased willingness by Banks to lend to companies (even if they were holding back on lending to households).
Through the survey of the banks, we study the accounting information and non-financial information used in the bank lending process.
本项工作通过问卷调查的方式, 了解银行授信过程中会计信息的应用情况及银行对非财务信息的使用情况。
In its new survey of bank lending practices, the Fed found that the loosening of loan standards was occurring primarily at the country's largest domestic Banks.
In its new survey of bank lending practices, the Fed found that the loosening of loan standards was occurring primarily at the country's largest domestic Banks.