Even cash-rich banks will hoard their money if they fear that the interbank market will seize up and cut them off from sources of future supply.
Similarly, the bank of Japan is buying stocks and may make subordinated loans to Banks to boost their capital and lending capacity; the money supply is not a consideration.
The Banks' spending increases the money supply in the form of additional currency, demand deposits, and other highly liquid assets.
The macroeconomic models used by many central Banks focus on short-term influences on inflation; they focus less on the supply of money and credit.
The Friedman and Schwartz solution would have allowed some banks to fail, although presumably fewer than did fail due to the increase in the money supply and liquidity.
The following lecture will be about banking, the supply of money and the money multiplier. It's also about: how banks operate; what their function is in our society;
To control the money supply and to supervise Banks and banking practices in the country.
Banks can influence the quantity of demand deposits in the economy and the money supply.
Deposit insurance system also can promote fair competition among Banks, the money supply and contribute to the stability of financial management functions.
In monetarism's heyday, central Banks tried to steer the economy by controlling the money supply, which has a loose relationship with spending and inflation.
By pumping up money supply and asset prices, central Banks have also helped to slow the pace of the global economic contraction.
By pumping up money supply and asset prices, central Banks have also helped to slow the pace of the global economic contraction.