The paper analyzes the common methods using in handling redundancy data, and gives out the solution of the database redundancy data based on SQL.
Based on the redundancy of sinogram data, one denoising algorithm to CT image is put forward.
Based on the information redundancy technology, an alternative method to guarantee the integrity of bar code data is given.
Based on this technique, this paper proposes a high-availability data objects placement algorithm with mirroring, which groups objects into redundancy sets by using RAID at the algorithm level.
To take advantage of redundancy information, this paper gives a new method that implement the output data fusion of integrated neural network based on the D-S evidence theory.
利用系统的冗余信息,提出了基于D - S证据理论对集成神经网络的输出进行融合的方法。
In this paper, a linear referencing system based on road line-shape is presented in order to reduce spatial data redundancy and protect road event from going out of road range.
In this paper, a linear referencing system based on road line-shape is presented in order to reduce spatial data redundancy and protect road event from going out of road range.