The embroidered designs were based on paper-cuts, the most well-known of them was from Bao Jun, a paper cutting master.
A series of stories in the paper seemed to be based on voicemails left on their phones.
So based on the largesse of our friends at Fosforous, who are running a program with the fine folks at McAfee, I'm going to write a quick paper outlining some realities of mobile device security.
So with rock being the most popular and scissors being the least popular, paper is your best bet if you have no idea what to throw based on the other tips.
In this paper, [the authors] take a quantitative approach to compare the two integration styles technologies based on architectural principles and decisions.
It is a good paper but we need to be cautious about the result as it is only based on data from the northeast Pacific Ocean.
While reviewing the performance data presented in the upcoming Part 2 of this paper, please keep in mind that the measurements are based on the total execution time, not throughput.
在分析即将发布的本文的第 2部分中提供的性能数据时,请记住,这些测量是基于总执行时间而不是吞吐量的。
Based on analyzing the existing paper-based process and the business requirements, the redesigned EMR process (" to-be "process) was proposed, as you can see in Figure 9.
This paper touched on some of the issues that are likely to be significant. This paper is based on current knowledge and experience.
It starts somewhat awkwardly by discussing the recent Oscar winning documentary on dolphins but is in fact based on an academic paper on 'animal suicide'.
What we still need on paper, though, are the explanations, analysis, and advice based on real experience that pack Practice.
And on June 1st the airline industry completed its conversion to electronic tickets, putting yet another nail in the coffin of the paper-based kind.
While the TOEFL can be taken online or with a pencil and paper, the IELTS exam can only be completed on paper, with the exception of a small number of computer-based test centers.
A Lotus form is an XML-based electronic form where the business client users can enter or view data as if they are working on a paper form.
This series is based on work related to a real on demand transformation project, Oneida-2, as described in the series overview paper, "on demand business process life cycle, Part 1" (see Resources).
这一系列文章基于真实的按需转换项目oneida - 2。正如本系列文章的概述篇“按需业务流程的生命周期,第1部分”中描述的一样(参阅参考资料)。
The examples in this paper are based on the following versions of IBM products.
The new electrodes, demonstrated in a paper posted online today in the journal Nature Communications, are also based on commonly available materials.
This paper described the key setup and configuration of the IBM DB2 Universal Database on an Intel Itanium 2 processor-based platform for a TPC-H Benchmark publication.
本文描述了针对TPC - h基准测试公布,与在基于IntelItanium2处理器的平台上安装和配置IBMDB 2UniversalDatabase相关的关键问题。
Blackbaud and Event 360 have released a new white paper based on a joint research project to better understand the common denominators of a successful programmatic approach to third-party fundraising.
Blackbaud和Event 360网站刚刚发布了一份新的白皮书报告,报告的内容为他们对第三方筹款活动成功经验的联合研究。
Indicate whether the paper is based on a previous communication to a society or meeting.
Based on the error analysis of the algorithms based on average speed and average travel time, this paper promoted the urban traffic situation evaluation methods based on probe vehicle data.
Based on the above standards and proposed extensions, we created a sample WSDL (you can download by clicking on the Code icon at the top or bottom of this paper) using the following rules.
This is a reasonable compromise based on the size of paper, file folders, briefcases, and desk drawers.
The paper presents the mechanism based on Semantic Comprehension for text orientation identification.
The paper introduces the design of the fingerprint reader based on computer universal serial bus interface.
Based on worksite practice, the paper introduces Cleaning and Overhaul Technology of the chock, bushing, sleeve which are the key parts in the oil film bearing.
Based on infiltration capacity curve, the paper demonstrates the amelioration of soil infiltration capability under the soil and water conservation measures from theoretical and experimental analysis.
Based on infiltration capacity curve, the paper demonstrates the amelioration of soil infiltration capability under the soil and water conservation measures from theoretical and experimental analysis.