Toxic minerals would first be absorbed by roots but later relocated to the stem and leaves.
Such water would be useless in improving physical performance, however, since the only way to get oxygen into the bloodstream so that it can be absorbed by the muscles is through the lungs.
She allowed her life to be absorbed by his, taking on as if by osmosis his likes and dislikes.
Lycopene is fat soluble and must be consumed with a certain amount of fat to be absorbed by the body.
The results also show that the proteins would be absorbed by the body, allowing the in vivo antihypertensive activity to occur.
Vindication: This effect will no longer be absorbed by Grounding Totem.
So one of the lycopene is released in full, can be absorbed by human body.
It is important to realize that light energy will be absorbed by any type of pigment.
These hydrogenated molecules cannot be absorbed by the body because they're artificial.
Painting would become to a growing life since it was created, and it would be absorbed by culture.
With so much supply to be absorbed by finicky markets, there is a worry that some bonds may go unsold.
Electromagnetic radiation with frequencies in the ultraviolet and visible region can be absorbed by molecules.
That energy will be absorbed by the hydrogen atom, n=1 the electron will rise from n equals one n=2 to n equals two.
The heat produced by car ignition climbs up through cylinder walls and will then be absorbed by the radiator coolant.
Information will be absorbed by your brain much quicker and much more effective if you use your preferred learning style.
Time—based art demonstrates here the bad infinity of the wasted, excessive time that cannot be absorbed by the spectator.
Chlorine is a volatile element in the acidic media for its activity in chemistry, and can be absorbed by alkali substance.
Of these, the most troubling is iodine-131, which can be absorbed by the thyroid when inhaled, causing thyroid cancer and leukemia.
这里面,最麻烦的是碘- 131,它被吸入后能被甲状腺吸收,引起甲状腺癌和白血病。
Ideally, a large proportion of rainfall should be absorbed by the ground. Clearly, such a process is not possible on a hard surface.
Some principles of Existentialism still have its existence value in today and be absorbed by other schools of modern West philosophy.
How much will be absorbed by deposits or other liabilities notdefined as money but against which banks might also have to hold reserves?
There's also radiotherapy with special isotopes that will be absorbed by the endocrine tumor cells that helps a lot if the tumor is metastatic.
As luck would have it, these tend to have about the right level of energy to be absorbed by rock more often than their extraterrestrial counterparts.
Mobile phones use radio waves to send and receive calls and these produce small electromagnetic fields that can be absorbed by the head and brain.
Safflower seed oils is easy to be absorbed by human body. It can nourish your skin continuously and supply nutrient during long-time eating (using).
Mana Shield - Damage taken will now be absorbed by other absorb spells (e. g. Ice Barrier, Power Word: Shield) before being absorbed by Mana Shield.
Mana Shield - Damage taken will now be absorbed by other absorb spells (e. g. Ice Barrier, Power Word: Shield) before being absorbed by Mana Shield.