Successive governments have permitted such increases on the grounds that the cost of investing in and running the rail network should be borne by those who use it, rather than the general taxpayer.
The Sarbanes-Oxley act, introduced after Enron collapsed in disgrace, increased the regulatory burden on companies of all sizes, but what could be borne by the big could cripple the small.
Research on assessing the impact of climate change on vector- and water-borne diseases is under way in India and Nepal and will be expanded to other countries in the region.
All taxes, duties, charges or fees of any nature arising in connection with the performance of this Contract that are imposed on Alcoa in accordance with the tax laws of PRC shall be borne by Alcoa.
It is gradually borne in on us that defeat be inevitable.
In case the Buyers fail to arrange insurance on time due to the cable not been given in time by the Sellers, or notification incomplete, all losses sustained shall be borne by the Sellers.
On AIDS, we should not discriminate against them, in fact, shook hands with AIDS patients, hugging and dinner, is no problem, under normal circumstances would not be borne.
On AIDS, we should not discriminate against them, in fact, shook hands with AIDS patients, hugging and dinner, is no problem, under normal circumstances would not be borne.