I would be content, ay, glad, to live with you as your servant, if I may not as your wife; so that I could only be near you, and get glimpses of you, and think of you as mine.
I would be content, ay, glad, to live with you as your servant, if I may not as your wife; so that I could only be near you, and get glimpses of you, and think of you as mine....
Visually impaired users cannot perceive this information, so there should be an alternative way for disabled users to be aware of the content.
In analysis, you might be content to leave the details out of your conditional expressions, whereas in design you might go so far as to include snippets of the code to be used in the end product.
It would certainly help to have a way to categorize the wealth of documents that will be contributed by the community, so a taxonomy based on content subject could be added.
Or, should we draw on Hakuin’s example and learn to be at peace, to say only, “Is that so, ” and learn to be content, even if our truth is never shared with the world?
I would be well content to do that if so be you had forgiven me!
In either instance, the wiki software can be configured to restrict editing of the content so documents such as those mentioned cannot be compromised and inaccurate information passed to the reader.
In these cases the content will be automatically truncated to fit on the card and the user may tap to expand, so the full message should be provided.
Don't be content for those that are not so ideal , don't comprise to those most important things for you . you need to get those which can satisfy you , just be content with the best.
Because the content is so up-to-date, you can be sure that it'll be fresh and relevant.
My reconcilement to the kind in general might not be so difficult, if they would be content with those vices and follies only which nature has entitled them to.
So we're moving players out of Durotar who are potentially too high level to be there and who would be farming content that we need for the level one to nine characters.
Let me make sure that it is so and not be content with merely admitting that so it ought to be.
This is to think that Men are so foolish that they take care to avoid what Mischiefs may be done them by polecats, or foxes, but are content not think it safety to be devoured by lions.
This is to think that Men are so foolish that they take care to avoid what Mischiefs may be done them by polecats, or foxes, but are content not think it safety to be devoured by lions.