Mr Wheeler also hopes that internet-service providers can be drafted into the fight.
The standard plan was to try to get into a good college, from which one would be drafted into some organization and then rise to positions of gradually increasing responsibility.
通常一个人的标准计划就是:上一所名牌大学,接着进入某家公司,然后得到提升,承担更大的责任。 雄心勃勃只不过意味着更快的升职。
The standard plan was to try to get into a good college, from which one would be drafted into some organization and then rise to positions of gradually increasing responsibility.
通常一个人的标准计划就是:上一所名牌大学,接着进入某家公司,然后得到提升,承担更大的责任。 雄心勃勃只不过意味着更快的升职。