These are details that investors and fund managers on Wall Street may not be fully aware of.
The IOC later indicated events would be postponed for a matter of hours, rather than days, adding that China was fully aware of the problem.
Those who are in the know have huge power, so it is in everyone's interests that managers should be fully aware of how they use information to make decisions.
We are aware that you will face difficulties in studying a programme fully delivered in English but with your commitment and our support we hope and believe you will be successful.
The conquerors are merely those among men who are conscious enough of their strength to be sure of living constantly on those heights and fully aware of that grandeur.
WHO is now fully aware that this decision has fostered suspicion that the Committee might be providing guidance shaped by commercial interests or pressures.
While I'm fully aware that basketball is an emotional game, such a distasteful term should never be tolerated.
He had a deadpan humor and this sense of himself that seemed to say, 'Yes, I am fully aware that I might be mad, but I also might be on to something.'
Another thing to be aware of is that GWT 1.5 now fully supports the 'long' primitive data type.
另一个值得注意的事情就是GWT 1.5现在已经完全支持“long”原始数据类型了。
To embrace the situation we need to be fully aware of everything that could happen.
Also be assured that we are fully aware of the plan of the dark Ones to stage a false attack, and we will make sure that it fails.
To be deemed "fully aware", kids had to explain verbally that ads were trying to sell something and make money out of children.
That if you are fully aware of the Law of One, you would be able to do these things.
As far as I am concerned, in order to solve the present problem, people need to be fully aware of the fact that the modern ways of communications cannot take the place of the traditional ones.
We are fully aware that this is a program that is not gonna be easy.
Still, Bruno was fully aware that he would not be able to rest on his laurels.
Are they fully aware that their own summer job prospects are dim, that their parents' employment prospects may be dimmer, and it's unfair to guilt mom and dad into spending money on expensive clothes?
You are at the height when you are fully aware that you will be reduced to a victim of evil if you don't stand up in defense of justice.
The norm is that a message is only partially communicated, since neither sender nor receiver can be fully aware of the other's entire complement of codes or their functions.
I am fully aware that there may be downsides and potential problems with any strategy used, so include these (if any) in your descriptions.
We will have activated our own Rose Grids and will have become fully multi-dimensional, although we may only be aware of this to the extent that we can cope with the mental and physical effects.
I pray that you'll be able to be fully aware of the beauty and value that you add to humanity simply by being who you are.
The world's most complex things that a man's head is estimated, which is installed exactly what others can never be fully aware of.
The first chapter examines the importance of intercultural awareness in CET so that we can be fully aware of the critical importance of intercultural awareness in CET.
The first chapter examines the importance of intercultural awareness in CET so that we can be fully aware of the critical importance of intercultural awareness in CET.