I never thought that the young would be hanging out on the ground, growing and gaining strength as its parents guarded it from above.
And the terms of the contracts are still unknown; firms cannot start doling out cash on the strength of them.Ministers have yet to say how cost overruns will be met, for one thing.
The conquerors are merely those among men who are conscious enough of their strength to be sure of living constantly on those heights and fully aware of that grandeur.
There may be additional supporting participants which contribute the implementation of the patterns and may have an impact on the strength of the mechanism used.
On the contrary, the rise of a strong, prosperous China can be a source of strength for the community of nations'.
If you have not taken many trips on the bike you will be riding, start logging some kilometres before you begin your trip. Strength training will also be really helpful.
Exactly what the profit will be, and when it will be realised, will depend on the strength of the property market.
These calculations might be based on visibility (whether the tag is in the sensor's line of sight), the signal strength, or the amount of time it takes the signal to travel from the tag to the sensor.
We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be.
The stock market rallies that will result will be based largely on the strength of these emerging economies.
Yet, in a new era of leadership, the most important thing for Apple will be holding on to Jobs' core values and strength.
The belts, made of polyurethane and shot through with carbon cords to give them tensile strength, are more expensive than chains and can be installed only on frames adapted to their use.
The long-term strength of the dollar will only be weakened by maintaining the Fed's monopoly on our monetary system.
He argued that acquisitions tended to be pro-cyclical and relied on the strength of the equity market.
The selection of pilot banks must be based on their performances in recent years, their strength, and their success in the financial reform.
The amount of charge that can be stored depends on the surface area of the electrodes, the strength and composition of the insulation between them, and how close they are together.
On the contrary, the rise of a strong, prosperous China can be a source of strength for the community of nations.
Further down the supply chain, timber-dealers and factories are often certified largely on the strength of documents which may be illegally bought.
A bank run is a situation where a bank can be bankrupted simply on the strength of the fear that it might happen.
Animal products can be sold or transported on the strength of the quarantine certificate and the inspection mark.
For he saith to the snow, Be thou on the earth; likewise to the small rain, and to the great rain of his strength.
First, they add to the material’s strength (a patient with a broken leg should be back on his feet as soon as a week after treatment).
But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.
Throw life in the gambler of on the gamble, be they dare wildly for of time, have full self-confidence to own strength, and think the courageous adventure is the only form.
On average, the growth rate this year will be smaller but this should not lead to the wrongful conclusion regarding the strength of the recovery.
Conclusions: on fixation of femoral neck fracture, the smaller volume of implant should be chosen based on assuring the fixation strength.
Conclusions: on fixation of femoral neck fracture, the smaller volume of implant should be chosen based on assuring the fixation strength.