He must be on the wrong side of40 by now.
Have you ever considered that we may be on the wrong side?
"Don't quarrel, " said Little Bear. "I want to know how you happen to be on the wrong side of the brook?"
True again; but there must be a limit to the application of that argument—and some of these new partners lie on the wrong side of it.
The unwillingness to help people in need can perhaps be traced to outcomes of high-profile lawsuits, where good Samaritans have found themselves on the wrong side of the law.
If data resides on the wrong side, constant transitions will be triggered by the need of the other side to reach for that data.
She may not be perfect, but if it gives me time to relax, I don't mind having the fork on the wrong side of the plate once in a while.
But in a country that is turning Hispanic at a rapid rate (by mid-century white Anglos will be another minority), the Republicans are once again hellbent on being on the wrong side of demography.
That need not be a huge problem: both sides have agreed to stick to the border left behind by the British and, where land occupied by north or south is on the wrong side, they could agree to a swap.
It should be same head to be photographed with, but I got a wrong one placed on the right side.
By contrast, Britain and its erstwhile EU partners would have to decide quickly how people on the wrong side of newly erected barriers to the free movement of Labour should be treated.
It should be same head to be hotographed with, but I got a wrong one laced on the right side.
So I know I won't be the only woman on the wrong side of 40 to welcome the latest sea change in the fashion world.
To produce a smoothly contoured garment on the RS darts must be sewn off very gradually on the wrong side regardless of which type they are.
Wenger stated he thrives on proving the sceptics wrong and is fully aware there will be some told-you-so attitudes on show next May if this youthful Arsenal side achieve less this season than last.
Wenger stated he thrives on proving the sceptics wrong and is fully aware there will be some told-you-so attitudes on show next May if this youthful Arsenal side achieve less this season than last.