Let's be open with each other.
Faced with the differences of opinions, we should be open with each other rather than feel doubtful about one another.
For instance a team might want their partnership with each other to have open communication, to provide honest but constructive feedback, and to be intellectually challenging.
Listen to each other with an open mind and seek resolutions that you both can be happy with.
But today, as the world becomes a global village, it is important that our neighbours and we be open-minded to learn with and from each other.
Open the second image-X-ray with edge lines - on a new layer above the first image in the same document. Be sure the images line up over each other exactly.
And this change has come, not by the will of God, not even by the will of man, but because some few men far away were afraid to be open and generous with each other.
I'd also want a large living room and kitchen connected to each other so that there would be one large open space for people to spend time with each other.
Six cedar is a natural messenger, forest spirits, was invited into the building and garden work, talk with each other, open their hearts, will be inseparable from nature and architecture.
And this change had come, not by the will of God, not even by the will of man, but because some few men far away were afraid to be open and generous with each other.
And this change had come, not by the will of God, not even by the will of man, but because some few men far away were afraid to be open and generous with each other.