Yet Greece's would-be rescuers may feel they have little choice but to press on with the bail-out.
Many people are forecasting that Greece, despite its bail-out package from the EU and the IMF, will be unable to repay its debts in full and on time.
Ireland's bail-out last November can be traced to that moment; a debate on imposing losses on bank bondholders still rages.
If a grand jury indicts him, the case will move to a different judge in the New York system, and Mr. Strauss-Kahn and his lawyers will get another chance to argue that he should be let out on bail.
Their will be no "moral hazard" from this bail out because the austerity program being forced on the Greeks and others will be no picnic.
Their will be no "moral hazard" from this bail out because the austerity program being forced on the Greeks and others will be no picnic.