He used to be prone to anger .
You may be prone to nervous tension this month.
Why should the stressed brain be prone to habit formation?
All these areas will be prone to delays and postponements.
Which of the following systems could be prone to a normal accident?
Your immune system will be weak and you will be prone to becoming ill.
The illiquidity of the CDS market means it can be prone to misinterpretation.
They are believed to be prone to overspending and financial irresponsibility.
The "bypass" switch module seems to be prone to failure and intermittency as well.
People who live in damp , moldy homes may be prone to depression , a new study suggests.
LIKE many Mediterranean peoples, Tunisians are said to be prone to excesses of joy and despair.
If your mouse stays in the same spot all day, you can be prone to repetitive strain injury (RSI).
People who suffer from job burn-out may be prone to developing type2 diabetes, research suggests.
Proponents of the comma insist that without it, you might be prone to absurdities such as the apocryphal.
And even in developed markets, property, which many people regard as stable, will always be prone to volatility.
Without enough stress, you're unlikely to give your full effort and you may also be prone to making mistakes.
However, some parts of the route are on softer ground and can be prone to damage in the event of heavy rainfall.
For example, the very high level of sympathetic nerve activity causes these men to be prone to develop hypertension.
Next time you reach for that Krispy Kreme, think twice. If your cat is watching, she may be prone to overeating as well.
下次你再伸手去拿卡卡圈坊甜甜圈时,还是先三思一下吧。如果碰巧被你家的猫咪观察了,下次她可能也会饕餮暴食哦! !
But seafarers can be prone to specific illnesses and diseases because of the nature of the work and travel to new countries.
In the past, I would be prone to staying at my office until all hours of the night to get work done and working on the weekends.
但是,这让我在白天很少有时间能真正静下心来工作。以前,我更倾向于在办公室工作到深夜, 或者周末加班。
If you're a perfectionist, like me, you might especially be prone to not doing anything at all if you think you can't do it expertly.
Moon in Aquarius may be prone to temper tantrums when young, even though as they grow they end up feeling that emotions are "messy."
If your Pluto is afflicted here, however, you may be prone to compulsive or obsessive thinking, or try to control the thinking of others.
Remember also that some people who are comfortable lying may not feel stressed, whilst others may be prone to anxiety for all kinds of reasons.
Property may be prone to excess everywhere but the policy response to the events of the past decade will—and should—vary from country to country.
Feet with high arches may be prone to stress because of the lack of natural shock absorption. Seek shoes with cushioning to alleviate this problem.
You'll be prone to tears if your mate is harsh with you today. Fitness or weight loss programs will help your self esteem. Relationships will become stronger.
You'll be prone to tears if your mate is harsh with you today. Fitness or weight loss programs will help your self esteem. Relationships will become stronger.