In most countries, that would be reported as good news.
Relies on whitespace in element content to be reported as ignorable.
If the device passes steps 5 and 6, it should be reported as functional.
Any messages that would ordinarily be reported as warnings are instead reported as errors.
Before the SAX 2.0.2 release, namespace declarations always had to be reported as having no namespace.
Opinion20 previously required that such a change be reported as a change in accounting principle.
And anyway, she added, all this chauffeuring to and from the office has to be reported as income at tax time.
Tuning a detector often involves the use of "scoring" algorithms to determine whether a match should be reported as a bug.
优化检测器通常包括 “得分”算法的使用,以确定是否将匹配报告为 bug。
Depending on the flavor of UNIX, the size of the file might also be reported as the current position the application is reading in the file (offset).
Vendor-provided extension functions should always be reported as available in that vendor's processor (the node-set function for 1.0 is an example).
在厂商提供的处理程序中,厂商定义的扩展函数应该总是可用的(1.0中的node - set函数就是一个例子)。
In very busy systems, the need to broadcast the data can also mean that the information is never reported, the data can be out of date, or the system could be reported as down when it is just busy.
More recently, as he reported in a 2012 review, Lieberman has discovered that this region may be part of a distinct network involved in socially motivated learning and memory.
More efforts, as reported, will be made in the years ahead to accelerate the agricultural reform.
Young people have reported that for low-level conditions such as stress and anxiety, a clinical setting can sometimes be daunting.
The cells found in the two cases reported may be described as gemmy ring like lymphocyte in morphology.
Young men previously found to be pacifists were, in their roles as guards, humiliating and physically assaulting the 'prisoners' - some even reported enjoying it.
As the Wall Street Journal reported earlier this month, by 2012 Rakuten's employees will be required to speak and communicate with each other in English.
The High-Powered Microwave, as it is called, is reported by Aviation Week to be powerful enough to disable all of the motors in a swarm of up to 30 speedboats.
Women in positions of power are just as likely as their male counterparts to be unfaithful, a scientific study has found, the Telegraph of London reported.
It would be nice if the PHP code actually reported the location of the error, as well as the nature of the error, so that you can take corrective action.
Nobody reported it, including local management, as they did not want to be the messenger with bad news, " MacDonald told Al Jazeera.
As of April 19, the ash plumes were reported to be getting smaller, but they were still creating havoc with air travel in Europe.
Bawang's IPO, for example, which begins trading on July 3, is expected to be priced at more than 20 times the earnings it reported as a private company last year.
The XpanD 3D glasses might not be as trendy as the Polaroid fashion shades that we reported on last week, but they promise to combat some of the eyestrain associated with some 3D broadcasts.
Typically, the top-most component (such as a JFrame) is used, but lower-level or dynamic components (such as a pop-up JDialog) can also be reported.
The estimated population of Singapore was reported to be 4.4 million as of July 2005.
The site is also working through bugs as they are reported and wants them to be fixed quickly, Besbris said.
Recursive methods is reported as sum of the calls. The viewer should be more clever in this respect.
As we reported on 12 February, you need to be a very smart AI programmer trapped in a very boring job.
As we reported on 12 February, you need to be a very smart AI programmer trapped in a very boring job.