Today, most transparent proxy servers will not yet be familiar with the Web Socket protocol and these proxy servers will be unable to support the Web Socket protocol.
目前,大部分透明代理服务器都还不了解WebSocket协议,而这些代理服务器也无法支持Web Socket协议。
The support for command-line arguments is key to supporting certain commands and combinations where an alias would be unable to work.
This rule will be phased inover the next year and support will be given to parents unable to afford the new tie.
This rule will be phased in over the next year and support will be given to parents unable to afford the new tie.
They imagined the tropical forest to be an "imitation paradise" unable to support much beyond a simple hunting-and-gathering way of life.
They may be very withdrawn and irritable but at the same time unable to do without your help and support.
Similarly, the movie loses hand's of the commercial support, even if has the high artistic achievement also to be unable to demonstrate.
Similarly, the movie loses hand's of the commercial support, even if has the high artistic achievement also to be unable to demonstrate.