Trying to preserve the old ways when they may be unsuitable for our future or our survival seems ridiculous.
Those whose awareness remains unaffected and who reject these revelations of the truth will be unsuitable for continuation on this planet.
For example, it costs more for storage and the distance computation is quite complex. With the number of images grows, it will be unsuitable for vector based image feature to stay in memory.
Readers intending to experiment with this release should be aware that it is still considered to be in active development (hence the CTP moniker) and thus unsuitable for a production setting.
European diets would also be affected, as Spanish farmers struggle to grow fruit and vegetables and the Italian climate becomes unsuitable for durum wheat, which is used to make pasta.
Answer: The findings suggest that some foods produced in Japan are likely to be contaminated by radioactive material at levels unsuitable for human consumption.
He also suggests that raw materials could be grown on marginal land which is unsuitable for food production.
The Canadian study's claim is not to invalidate all extrapolation so much as to suggest that American undergraduates may be especially unsuitable for it.
If the membrane filtration technique is unsuitable, use the Direct Inoculation of the Culture Medium method under Test for Sterility of the Product to be Examined.
I mean, if the packing is considered unsuitable for sea voyage, the insurance company will not be responsible for compensation.
If the estate is unsuitable for partitioning, it may be disposed of by such means as price evaluation, appropriate compensation or co-ownership.
Some also complained that the posters for the high-tech action thriller co-starring James McAvoy and Morgan Freeman were unsuitable to be seen by children.
The packing in cartons is not recommended as it is not suitable for repeated handling and repacking, any damage and claims will not be accepted to the unsuitable carton packages.
In fact, their reputations were based primarily on their skill in treating the very acute illnesses that today would be thought unsuitable for Chinese medicine therapies.
Some also complained that the posters for the high-tech action thriller co-starring James McAvoy and Morgan Freeman were unsuitable to be seen by children.
The main reasons for alliance failure can be attributed to selecting wrong partner, lacking of trust, forming unsuitable governance structure, no effective matrix to evaluate performance.
They can be used in devices for which vacuum tube valves were unsuitable, such as in hearing AIDS designed to fit into the ear.
In fact, under certain circumstances they may be less safe because related individuals or friends may not wish to expose a circumstance that makes them unsuitable for donation.
The result shows that although Mobile IP may be appropriate for macro mobility applications, its long handoff periods make it unsuitable for micro mobility support.
Any such product that is lost, damaged or is otherwise unsuitable for use shall be recorded and reported to the customer .
Algal oil is similar to soybean oil but can be grown on marginal lands unsuitable for food crops.
Algal oil is similar to soybean oil but can be grown on marginal lands unsuitable for food crops.