Today, I am proud to stand here and talk about the Olympics, because not long ago, the 29th Olympic Games and Paralympic Games were held successfully in China.
Though I transferred to this school not long ago, I have fitted into the class because my classmates were very nice.
Not long ago, when his cat died, he cried and understood grief for the first time, but he knows he is difficult to live with because he cannot grasp what others are feeling.
"I'm not sure those comments make sense because the World Cup was a long time ago," Del Bosque said.
“I’m not sure those comments make sense because the World Cup was a long time ago,” Del Bosque said.
There was a time, long ago, when people starved because there was not enough food.
Not too long ago, top local talent mostly preferred to work for MNCs because of learning, advancement, training and income opportunities including the chance to live and work abroad for a time.
I do not think so because I long ago decided not to your baby's.
Long, long ago, when I was in junior high (and you can tell it was a long time ago because we actually called it junior high back then), I had a teacher who did not know what a helping verb was.
Although China has the concept of "citizens" long ago, our country has not really implemented civic education because of historical and practical reasons.
Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened, those were such happy times and not so long ago how I wondered they'd gome.
And then a long time ago, because I and my life is not linked to the two people, because some chance, we do a associations together, you can say that we are with three different forces together.
I was happy because I finally have got to know a common sense which I should have got long ago that English belongs to not only us and UK, but also people all around the world.
But I chose a long time ago not to be involved because I thought I would add to the problem, but now I think it's an important time to stand up and be part of the problem for me.
Not long ago, when his cat died, he cried and understood grief for the first time, but he knows he is difficult to live with because he cannot grasp what others are feeling.
Not long ago, when his cat died, he cried and understood grief for the first time, but he knows he is difficult to live with because he cannot grasp what others are feeling.