As they were exploring happing, the crowd of people become larger and larger.
The growing tourists have made the pressure of its resource protection become larger and larger.
The difference of individual income has become larger and larger. It has become the hotspot of the society.
Cities become larger and larger, technology becomes more and more advanced, traffic becomes more and more convenient.
People have had to deal with increasing pressure and the income gap between rich and poor has become larger and larger.
Betelnut, cigarette and chutty have been considered as popular mouth hobby staple in many countries, and the demand become larger and larger.
With the increase of the number of parameters in semiconductor devices, the dimensions of space in which the object function exists become larger and larger.
The construction of underground works has become larger and larger in scale, which renders high requirements on construction methods and on construction monitoring and measurement.
This solution avoids the problem that would have resulted had we determined priority strictly by number, such as priority-creep, in which priorities become larger and larger, trying to trump the rest.
As the data set grows larger and the number of attributes grows larger, we can create trees that become increasingly complex.
Neither of them is very big, but they become a larger river when joined together, and yet larger when joined by a third river.
For larger units, as the total auxiliary power becomes larger and the individual drive motors become larger, the coordinated application of system components requires more system design effort.
With the scale of power system larger and larger, the whole power system gets more and more complicated, and operation safety and stability of machines and grid become very important.
When the default rate increases, the worry of loss will make a larger and larger effect on the decision, and at last become the main factor.
When the default rate increases, the worry of loss will make a larger and larger effect on the decision, and at last become the main factor.