The bedload of Weihe River is the key problem in management of Weihe River water resources.
In the bedload movement process, coarse sand tended to stay on the sand bar, find sand was brought away.
The research of stable channel shape on the condition of bedload discharge equals zero by use the extreme hypotheses.
Especially, while exchanging between bedload and bed material, the net transport of bed load towards waters was considered.
The bedload transport formula that has been modified as mentioned above well agrees with the experimental data and can be applied to computation.
Based on the analysis of non equilibrium forces acting on a non cohesive particle, the general vectorial equation of bedload transport is derived.
The achievement of this paper has an important reference value in analyzing the mechanics of bedload movement in the mount river without field data.
Letterpress starting with the former of the experiment for bedload. Firstly, we account for the former made and the sand selected are reasonable by experiments.
This model takes into account non-equilibrium transport of non-uniform bedload and introduces the mixed layer model to calculate the changes of bed material grain class.
The measured data show that the bedload sediment transport rate is related more closely to the effective stream power within the bed-surface layer than to the river stream power.
There tends to be deviations of the height-length data points from statistical H-L curves; numerical experiments demonstrate that such deviations may be associated with the bedload transport rate.
There tends to be deviations of the height-length data points from statistical H-L curves; numerical experiments demonstrate that such deviations may be associated with the bedload transport rate.