That was distinctly below the belt!
Do you think it's a bit below the belt what they're doing?
It was all well and good to let them strike the first blow, but if they hit us hard below the belt, we should take an ax and cut their hands off.
Lewis hits Martin below the belt.
Most of the criticisms hit below the belt.
Mike was upset recently by being hit below the belt.
What he said about Tom’s mother was way below the belt.
In boxing it is a foul to hit below the belt intentionally.
The team is becoming notorious for hitting below the belt in the games it plays.
We've talked a little about that. He knows the lawyer always hits below the belt.
There was no need to mention my personal problems to the press. That was below the belt. (Boxing)
Ex: : There was no need to mention my personal problems to the press. That was below the belt. (Boxing).
MeiYiHe saw the home MeiXianZu still badly behaved below the belt, is really hate iron dont expect too much frequently.
It was hitting below the belt for Mr. Jones' rival to tell people about a crime that Mr. Jones committed when he was a young boy.
It was hitting below the belt for Mr. Jones' rival to tell people about a crime that Mr. Jones committed when he was a young boy.
You see, when he was trying to play up tome, I only thought he might ask me for a favor. I didn't think he would hit me below the belt.
But one day they decided that if they were going to rally the fence-sitters to the enlightenment cause they should strike below the belt.
But below the belt he's in just his running shorts and shoes-he likes to change out of his robe quickly to maximize the time of his lunchtime run.
I said it was all well and good to let them strike the first blow, but if they hit us hard below the belt, we should take a meat ax and cut their hands off.
For music firms that have been quietly negotiating with Apple and Google, which want to build locker services of their own, Amazon's tactics are below the belt.
As long as people wash their hands often enough and pay attention to the area of the body below the belt, showering or bathing every other day would do no harm.
The belt of vegetation that crosses Africa below the Sahara is very dark because most of the sunlight is absorbed by plants for photosynthesis.
Interest rates on sovereign debt soar (see chart below) when the trust in the sanctity of that debt, and the country's ability to tighten their belt while growing out of it, plummet.
In Malaysia, a prudish, majority-Muslim country, it seems that nothing succeeds quite like below-the-belt personal attacks.
Material above these faults is moving southward, carried by the conveyor belt of the thrust, relative to the material below.
Layout I Conveying belt of product is located in the below of robot. Minimize the working space and the robot can still install and use in narrow space.
Layout I Conveying belt of product is located in the below of robot. Minimize the working space and the robot can still install and use in narrow space.