Searches for available chunks are processed in smallest-first, best-fit order.
Until the versions released in 1995, chunks were left unsorted within bins, so that the best-fit strategy was only approximate.
Summary information about service performance can be fed back into WSRR and used by the execution environment to affect the selection of the best-fit provider.
We need to work out the best fit between the staff required and the staff available.
Where could the sentence best fit?
Where would the sentence best fit?
There is the program target—people in the market segment with the "best fit" characteristics for a specific product.
Imagine how intimidating it can be for prospective students unfamiliar with the complexities of higher education to navigate this kind of information and then identify which schools are the best fit.
If you do not specify a value, DB2 determines a best fit value and USES that value.
如果不指定一个值,DB 2自行决定一个最适合的值,并使用那个值。
They should also allow development teams to choose development paradigms that best fit their needs.
They are best placed to let you know who the best "fit" is for your interests.
Familiarize yourself with them so you can choose which options best fit your needs.
For all screen recognitions, HATS USES the philosophy of "first fit" as opposed to "best fit"; screens are checked in the order that they are defined.
AT each point where the macro is waiting for its next screen, HATS again USES a "first fit" policy, as opposed to a "best fit" policy.
The view component has the flexibility to render the data for a best fit on the destination display.
A similar rationale applies to Solution 4 — if the service back end exposes more than one operation, it may not be the best fit.
In situations where data needs to be centrally managed, a UDDI solution alone may provide the best fit.
Use it when you’re confident the page you want is the best fit for your query, which is usually the case when you’re seeking very popular pages.
Use it when you're confident the page you want is the best fit for your query, which is usually the case when you're seeking very popular pages.
As you meet more people, focus on spending your time with the ones that are the best fit, and focus less on meeting new people.
Customers can now choose whichproducts best fit their automated testing and process management needs.
Because of this, prioritize resources which will work across multiple scenarios, even if they might not be exactly the best fit.
The best fit for this job is an experienced business analyst with strong business and people skills, as well as reasonable knowledge of data warehousing and data modeling.
In this case, the best fit happens to be the Extended Enterprise pattern.
Research the options and choose the best fit for your priorities and lifestyle.
They can help assess what your technical needs are, what expectations you have, and find the best fit among our product line.
This means that DB2 chooses either the rebuild or incremental index maintain approach, whichever is the best fit.
这意味着,DB 2从重新构建和增量索引维护两种方法中选择最合适的方法。
This means that DB2 chooses either the rebuild or incremental index maintain approach, whichever is the best fit.
这意味着,DB 2从重新构建和增量索引维护两种方法中选择最合适的方法。