Researchers found that the children in Group Three did the best.
She had a group of students who cared about her and each other, and that was probably the best thing she could ever hope to find in her life!
But if best practices have been followed in preventing regularly changing data from being inside the root volume group, this option can provide ample time for testing and deployment.
Best practice: Create a unique policy group for each asset store in your deployment.
Administrators of seven registries in the WHO Registry Network make up the Working Group on Best Practice for Clinical Trials Registers.
I was a top chemist and a natural marksman, probably the best in my group.
Yet after 4 months of taking iron supplements, most of the women, with their iron levels back to normal, scored as well as the best group in the first test.
The Bank Group is a repository of global best practice in development, combining implementation experience, research, and learning, drawing on both public and private sectors.
Volunteers in that group, dubbed the "unconscious thinkers", were more likely to select the best car, the results showed.
Among a large group of younger fans, he will always be best known for his role in the weepy the Notebook.
They'll gather, debate over whose patented technology is best, and also agree in advance that every other company in the standard group will be able to license their patent at a reasonable rate.
For example, if you are in a big group, it is best if only one or two people go to buy the drinks.
As a best practice, we always recommend including either the to USER or the to GROUP clause in GRANT statements to avoid any ambiguity.
作为最佳实践,我们建议在grant语句中总是包含TOUSER或TO GROU p子句,以避免任何二义性。
Volunteers in the second group were more likely to select the best car, the results showed.
Chinese subtitles provided by YYets group, one of the first translation groups dedicated to open courses translation, are recognized as some of the best in the industry.
At MAAWG's previous meeting in September, the group created a botnet-mitigation subcommittee dedicated to developing a set of best practices for ISPs to combat botnets.
Perhaps others could be persuaded to join (best of all, in a large group).
The British development group Practical Action says the best way to prepare foods for storage is at harvest time while still in the field.
In the end, the best that researchers can do is look for trends within a specific group or cohort (say, all people who married in the 1980s) and project what will happen.
Perhaps the best known of this other group is coeliac disease, an allergy to proteins present in the gluten of wheat, barley and rye.
If you're exchanging gifts with co-workers, it's best to buy something simple for everyone in your team or group.
As a best practice, change the default value of each instance-level authority parameter to an explicit group name in order prevent unintended super-user access.
Even then it took a sympathetic bankruptcy judge to convince a group of recalcitrant lenders that it was in their best interest to drop their opposition.
I was in junior high, walking toward a group of buddies, when my best friend came out of the circle and stopped me.
You will want to tell yourself you have live the best moments in life in the future therefore do not commit a corny group photographs.
You will want to tell yourself you have live the best moments in life in the future therefore do not commit a corny group photographs.