In his 1936 work How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie wrote: "There is only one way…to get the best of an argument—and that is to avoid it."
Gradually the volume of bees builds up towards one site; it's a system that ensures that support for the best site snowballs and the decision is made in the most democratic way.
If leaving forces you to leave all your data behind, or to learn a new way of typing, or to surrender four other technologies you were still using, then maybe this is not the best one to start.
One way to achieve these objectives is to have teams selecting and making use of well-known software development best practices in their projects.
First, one had to get control of a basic patent on a new technology, and the best way of doing that was to organize a trust and buy the patent from the inventor.
This is a really good way to make money and one of the best ways for teens to make money online.
One way to do that is to stay on top of change and incorporate the best ideas into my solutions.
The best way to do this that I have found so far is to assume rapport. This means that you simply pretend that you are meeting one of your best friends.
In the now-classical characterization delineated around 1900 by Henri Fayol and Frederick Taylor, the purpose of management was to plan the one overall best way to approach work.
Live in such a way that one day you can look back and say that you did the best you could and through the example of your life, you showed others how to live.
Parents know that the best way to divide a piece of cake between two children is to let one child cut the cake and let the other child choose.
There's one question that has been asked but a lot of people ask me which is the best way to be a entrepreneur?
He set out to kill it by finding "the one best way" to do any job, and a system for telling managers how to find that way for every segment of their operations.
This is the best way to account for basic issues, such as forgetting to make one of the attributes stored in the session serializable, which could cause larger issues in a production environment.
Rather, it is one of the best ways, in fact maybe the only way, to reduce those long term costs.
However, one nearly universal truth is that the best way to avoid the basic project problems that can spiral out of control is to outline best practices and guidelines for your team.
And Joseph Nye, of the Kennedy School at Harvard, has argued that the best way to make an enemy of China is to treat it like one.
One of the best way to achieve a calm and happy state is to maintain a well balanced diet.
Doing a brain scan might be going a bit far. If you want to know if someone's sociable or not, the best way is to ask one of their friends.
Mindmapping is the best way to brain storm lots of ideas at one go.
The best way to solve a specialized task is often to write one or two utilities and a bit of glue to tie them together, rather than writing a single program to solve the whole thing.
He is dead; it's best to say it right away, because one can't help speaking in a different way of the dead than of the living.
Your net worth is one of the best barometers for measuring financial health, and it provides an easy way to detect whether a longer-term problem may be emerging, several planners said.
If it's one of your days off, you may find yourself doing nothing because you want to figure out the best way to spend such limited time.
One-way hashes could be used by eliminating some of the precision in the microseconds values, but this exercise is best left to readers wanting to evaluate the risks on their own.
One-way hashes could be used by eliminating some of the precision in the microseconds values, but this exercise is best left to readers wanting to evaluate the risks on their own.