An inadequate sample size, a biased sample, a non-unique concept, and scientific flaws in the study are common faults.
Obviously working in the media is a biased sample, journalists are encouraged to tweet, post or forward funny and unusual material.
This is hardly definitive, given the small sample, but it does caution against jumping to the conclusion that economists are biased simply because of their relationships with firms.
Assuming that the sample of Nova Scotia beer drinkers is not biased, can you now conclude that Keith's is the most popular brand?
Sadly, UBS does not have any long-term data with which to compare this result (I checked), and since the sample is tiny, it may be very biased.
Your test player population is not going to be random sample. It will be a self-selected sample whose average motivations and behavior will be biased.
The algorithm combines active learning, biased classification and incremental learning to model the small sample biased learning problem in relevance feedback process.
The reasons there are two main expressions for population and sample" is that one is biased estimator and the other is not."
We give the approximation formulas of the variance of the sample ratio estimator for a population mean and its asymptotically non-biased estimator in multi-stage sampling.
We give the approximation formulas of the variance of the sample ratio estimator for a population mean and its asymptotically non-biased estimator in multi-stage sampling.