Baud: The rate at which data is received or transmitted in serial: one baud is one bit per second.
The "how fast" factor involves the bit rate per second required for each client.
The speed of sound is - 340 meters per second-- - it depends a little bit on the temperature-- about 770 miles per hour.
SCSI-1 defined an 8-bit parallel interface with a 5MHz data clock, providing a maximum data transfer rate of 5 megabytes per second (MB/s).
SCSI-1定义了一种具有5MHz数据时钟的8-bit并行接口,能提供最高 5 兆字节每秒(5MB/s)的数据传输速率。
The 4004 processor was a 4-bit CPU that could execute 92,000 instructions per second.
处理器是 4位 CPU,其可以每秒执行 92,000条指令。
In the faster 10-bit mode, 300 full frames per second are acquired.
I initially guessed that requests per second would degrade at least a little bit as concurrency went up.
I initially guessed that requests per second would degrade at least a little bit as concurrency went up.