They said, 'Come in, sit down, blah, blah, blah, sign here'.
However, I would like to mention that fly fishing isn't all you've cracked it up to be, Dad. You can say what you want about wrist action and stance and blah, blah, blah...
However, I would like to mention that fly fishing isn't all you've cracked it up to be, Dad.You can say what you want about wrist action and stance and blah, blah, blah...
There are 1000 new companies every day promising you #1 rankings, increased conversion rates overnight, blah blah blah etc. etc. BS BS BS.
Then he came in my room and shot all the shit, blah, blah, know.
My mom said that it would rain and we shouldn't go fishing blah blah blah... You know, as always.
I thought: She'll probably get hit on the head and develop amnesia and blah blah blah.
"Nobody is going to pay attention to the congress because it's the same old blah blah blah," she said.
Mother, father, brother, boss, girlfriend, blah, blah, blah.
Watching white moon face the stars never feel anger blah, blah, blah, the end.
If I could really do it right, I'd now open the door and bring in our guest physiologist, who would then provide the facts that I'm — what I'm about to go is "blah, blah, blah."
I know it’s in beta or alpha or whatever–blah, blah, blah–it’s crap. I won’t be using it.
我知道 Windows 8 现在还处在 beta或 alpha 版本阶段,管它什么版本呢,这都是废话,我不会使用它。
You will say, "Well, blah, blah, blah — how close to 1?"
你会说,“废话废话-,有多接近1 ?”
Yeah, yeah, yeah! They wipe out lines and age signs. Blah, blah, blah! See, I can even recite that advertisement.
Well, he did it anyway. Then he came in my room and shot all the shit, blah, blah, blah…you know.
The boss explains what and is and blah blah blah, but he never tells the to the market.
The boss explains what supply and demand is and blah blah blah, but he never tells the solution to the market.
Mike: Well he did it anyway. Then he came into my room and shot all his shit. Blah blah blah... You know.
You just need to look beautiful and talk about your passion and your creativity and blah, blah, blah.
When I phoned my employee to find out why she hadn't come to the office, I expected to hear a SOB story about how sick she was, blah, blah, blah.
Get to the point. Not just blah blah blah.
The true reason I have provided identical translations of "Blah blah blah" for Principles #8, #9, and #10 is that these principles say exactly the same thing, namely, "Blah blah blah.
You have to listen to Charles talk about how bad the Rockets are and that it needs to be T-Macs team, blah blah blah.
You have to listen to Charles talk about how bad the Rockets are and that it needs to be T-Macs team, blah blah blah.