Like when you walk outside on a hot day, you perspire, and your body cools itself down, a classic example of how a mammal regulates its own body temperature.
But an insect actually has six legs, a three-part body, and an exoskeleton, which is a skeleton on the outside of its body.
Revered Sir, the knowing mind is inside the body. Through the openings of the eyes the mind can see what lies outside the body.
The nozzle body extends towards the outside of the pump body to provide a burner with supercharging oil.
The input device and the control device are arranged outside a main machine body of the electronic device, and the image processing unit is arranged in the main machine body.
Your body functions in the same way whether it's cold or hot outside, and exertion will make the body sweat no matter the temperature making it necessary to hydrate the body in every type of weather.
The pipe fitting (1) comprises a plastic body (2) and a reinforcement ring (3) around the outside of the plastic body (2).
This explains why alpha-emitting atoms are not dangerous outside of the body; the radiation coming from them doesn't even enter the body.
The coil (5) is wrapped on the outside of the heating body (1). The heating body (1) is provided with an annular slot (6), so as to change the heat exchange direction.
The volume of gallbladder inside the body can be measured outside of the body.
Both the skin and body care from outside or from within, purifying the body and mind, a simple way to assist her health glow from the inside to the outside of a temperament and beauty.
Both the skin and body care from outside or from within, purifying the body and mind, a simple way to assist her health glow from the inside to the outside of a temperament and beauty.