Suddenly a bolt of lightning crackled through the sky.
A bolt of lightning crossed the darkened sky, accompanied by a deafening thunder clap.
A bolt of lightning lit up the sky.
A bolt of lightning flashed across the horizon.
How could I miss it? That bolt of lightning must have hit very near here.
So do I. (Another bolt of lightning.) Get ready! That was a really close one.
Ylath's breath is a bolt of lightning that can strike with accurate precision.
As a distant bolt of lightning comes down, light and dark coexist for a moment.
Now the first bolt of lightning stabs the earth. It is heaven's exclamation point3.
Another huge crash of thunder, followed by another bolt of lightning and a falling tree.
But romantic feelings that arrive like a bolt of lightning can pass as quickly as a summer storm.
The bird shrieked, ranted and raved, but every bolt of lightning fell on the paddle, sparing the Shamaness.
Level 4 - Calls forth a bolt of lightning that bounces up to 9 times, dealing 290 damage on the primary target.
Level 2 - Calls forth a bolt of lightning that bounces up to 5 times, dealing 150 damage on the primary target.
The two previous Capitol buildings were destroyed by fire, the second having been started by a bolt of lightning.
An ox or a sheep may kiss any grass and the kiss is followed by a wedding ceremony as quick as a bolt of lightning.
Then I see the bolt of lightning and a crack, and, uh, I just said to myself: oh my God, oh my God, what am I going to do?
The only thing Harry liked about his own appearance was a very thin scar on his forehead that was shaped like a bolt of lightning.
A bright bolt of lightning crackles within the ash cloud from the eruption of the eyjafjallajokull volcano in Iceland in April 2010.
Finally, that afternoon, a bolt of lightning came through our heads. It was an idea Mike had gotten from a science book he had read.
Level 1 - Calls forth a bolt of lightning that bounces up to 3 times, dealing 75 damage on the primary target. Each jump deals less damage.
Level 2 - Calls forth a bolt of lightning that bounces up to 5 times, dealing 150 damage on the primary target. Each jump deals less damage.
Level 4 - Calls forth a bolt of lightning that bounces up to 9 times, dealing 290 damage on the primary target. Each jump deals less damage.
So do I. Another bolt of lightning. Get ready! That was a really close one. Immediately after Evan speaks, there is a deafening crash of thunder.
So do I. Another bolt of lightning. Get ready! That was a really close one. Immediately after Evan speaks, there is a deafening crash of thunder.