The yield is how much interest you earn if you hold the bond to maturity, which people often equate with expected return.
If the bond was purchased at a premium (above par), then your overall yield to maturity will be lower than your stated coupon rate.
The maturity of various credit rating bond is more abundance will help to build up a rational corporate bond yield curve, and provide pricing benchmark for secondary market circulation.
Maturity, Yield to :The total return on a bond investment realized if held to maturity.
The Yield to maturity would be higher for a discount bond, based on the fact that you are still earning interest on par even if you paid under par.
If the reinvestment rate is higher than the redemption yield then the actual return on the bond, assuming it is held to maturity, will be higher than the redemption yield.
'the longer the average maturity for a bond, the longer you'll have to wait before payment, the more uncertain your yield will be come maturity.'
'the longer the average maturity for a bond, the longer you'll have to wait before payment, the more uncertain your yield will be come maturity.'