Also, it conveys a disciplined and border-line stubborn tendency to complete one task before moving onto another.
As a newly developed border-line science, neural network has been applied in medical statics more and more, and has become a branch of computational statistics gradually.
Due south, directly over the Spin mountain range in front of me, is the crooked line of the Pakistan border, drawn by a British diplomat in 1893.
A line of forts was built along the border to protect the country against attack.
Details, for example, from my several days' ride through the Montana Hi-Line, the plains near the Canadian border, are hazy, the towns I stopped in mixed up in my head.
Due south, directly over the Spin mountain range in front of me, is the crooked line of the Pakistan border, drawn by a British diplomat, Sir Henry Mortimer Durand, in 1893.
More important than the exact line is the nature of the border.
Yep any word the admits of degrees, emits border line cases you can construct a heap argument for the fallacy of heap.
But Greece may not sign on the dotted line until Israel has agreed with Lebanon and Cyprus on where a border is to be drawn in the sea, demarcating each country's economic exclusion zone.
Stroke covers the color and width of your line or the border of your bar and column graphs.
FROM the market town of Khanaqin, on the Iranian border, all the way to Sinjar, near the border with Syria, a fortified line snakes across northern Iraq.
What border colors can we specify on the command line?
They admit a border line cases.
In a final deal, they say, everyone knows that the border will be adjusted so that some settlements will stay in Israel, free to expand behind a new line.
Recognising that global warming will make any line based on the watershed of a glacier temporary, the understanding with Austria has for the first time introduced the concept of a movable border.
This western maritime border, also known as the Northern Limit Line, has been the scene of numerous clashes in the past.
Over every border and on every line.
However, if you specify a border, it may contain a double strike of bold lines at the bottom of the box, along the x axis line (Cosmetically, this wouldn't look right.).
Draw a line just north of the Malaysia border and over the top of Borneo.
Stranded refugees from Chad stand in a line to receive food at the Libya-Egypt border crossing after leaving Libya three weeks earlier because of the on-going civil war on March 17 in Sallum, Egypt.
Webster proposed a compromise border line. Lord Ashburton accepted the compromise.
To create a lowered border, just use the + raise command-line argument instead. For example.
He says the imprecision of the McMahon Line, agreed in 1914, is the reason why soldiers can stray so easily 100 metres on the "wrong" side of the border.
In this example, the bottom border line is to be deleted, so that gets erased with the -1 option. Specifying the fill option fills the boxes with the default color.
在这个示例中,使用- 1选项删除底部边框线。
What we know is the boundary line and the sea border.
A line of forts was built along the border, to protect the country against attack.
More recent printings are usually better than older printings, but if you line up your CARDS based on the exterior border, there is still a chance that the art won't line up perfectly.
More recent printings are usually better than older printings, but if you line up your CARDS based on the exterior border, there is still a chance that the art won't line up perfectly.