Why doesn't work border-radius in IE9 but in IE10 or Chrome?
This text has a border around it and you use the new border-radius style to achieve rounded corners.
文本周围有一个边界,您使用新的border - radius样式来实现4个圆角。
Well, here is a post on the basics of the new properties: text-shadow, box-shadow, and border-radius.
这篇文章将对CSS的几个新属性(text -shadow, box - shadow,and border - radius)做基本介绍。
The shorthand for border radius is similar to the padding and margin property (eg. border-radius: 20px).
边界半径 (border radius) 的写法类似内边距 (padding)和 外边距 (margin)属性(例如:border-radius:20px)。
But because border-radius is still being finalized, browsers only support their own versions of the rule.
The update brings intellisense for many CSS3 features including Multi-columns, Border-Radius, Animation, Transitions and Transforms.
The classes on the HTML element simply say either "borderradius" or "no-borderradius" for border-radius, depending on if the browser supports it natively or not.
以border - radius为例,HTML元素中的类可以简单地叫做“borderradius”或者“no - borderradius”,这取决于浏览器是否原生支持。
While it's much easier today to make curves on web pages using the canvas, CSS properties like border-radius, or just plain background images, it's still not always trivial.
虽然用画布、CSS属性如border - radius,或者就用纯背景图,今天画曲线已经容易多了,但是仍然不常见。
The top corners are a larger radius than those at the bottom and the border has a transparency that shows the underlying background and fades out towards the middle.
The background color, corner radius, and border and thickness styles of "header" and "content" viewers are defined in class selectors of the external CSS file: "example.css" (Listing 19).
“header”和“content”查看器的背景颜色、圆角半径、边框和透明度都在外部css文件example . css的类选择器中定义(见清单19)。
CSS3 border radius on 2 spans within heading, is this effect possible?
When the ball is painted, the border radius means that the edges are anti-aliased.
When the ball is painted, the border radius means that the edges are anti-aliased.