The breadcrumb trail keeps track for you!
Here are just some of the benefits of using a breadcrumb trail.
Page, click Search Settings in the breadcrumb trail at the top.
This file contains the report name, report description, and the breadcrumb trail entry.
But, visually, the breadcrumb trail provided little unity to the experience of checking out.
You can quickly hop up to another level simply by clicking on one of the links in the breadcrumb trail.
Just above the panel is a "breadcrumb trail" that shows the path to the folder currently being viewed.
To use the scope you just created in a Search Results page, click Search Settings in the breadcrumb trail.
After adding four pages by clicking the add page button four times, the breadcrumb trail would look like Figure 7.
通过四次单击addPage按钮添加四个页面后,breadcrumb trail将会如图7所示。
They can return to the top level of the map by clicking the beginning of the breadcrumb trail at the top of the page.
他们可以通过单击页面顶部的导航路径记录(breadcrumb trail)来返回这个图的最顶层。
There's no way to jump forward in the process, only backward. You can see this breadcrumb trail in action in Figure 1.
Add an entry for each report name, report description, and breadcrumb trail entry to the bottom of the file. For example.
Located at the top of the capability map canvas in grey, the breadcrumb trail is a series of hyperlinks to each level in the diagram.
On a Web site, a breadcrumb trail is a navigation tool that allows a user to see where the current page is in relation to the Web site's hierarchy.
We need to subscribe to that event so that we can manipulate the Stack Controller when the user chooses to go back to a previous page in the breadcrumb trail.
我们需要订阅该事件以便在用户选择返回到breadcrumb trail内之前的页面时能立即处理此StackController。
We need to subscribe to that event so that we can manipulate the Stack Controller when the user chooses to go back to a previous page in the breadcrumb trail.
我们需要订阅该事件以便在用户选择返回到breadcrumb trail内之前的页面时能立即处理此StackController。