The Queensland Police Service is strongly advising sight-seers to stay away from the Brisbane River and other flood affected areas.
昆士兰警方强烈建议sight - seers远离布里斯班河和其他洪水受灾地区。
The city lights of Brisbane, Australia's third most populous city, create blurred pillars of color on the Brisbane River on March 29, 2008.
The suburb of Yeronga (image lower left) also has evident regions of flooding, as does a park and golf course located along a bend in the Brisbane River to the south of St. Lucia (image center).
耶龙加(Yeronga)地区(图片左下方)同样是灾情严重的地区——这块布里斯班河河湾岸边的地方,位于圣露西亚(St.Lucia; 图片中心)南部,有公园和高尔夫球场;
During Earth Hour 2008 many offices and neon signs in Brisbane went dark, leaving only muted colors reflected in the river.
During Earth Hour 2008 many offices and neon signs in Brisbane went dark, leaving only muted colors reflected in the river.