I believe that the market will brisk up.
As they started up again, the horse broke into a brisk trot.
Business is brisk but most customers pick up only a small handful of Onions.
Few were better at the brisk summing-up and the clear, no-nonsense decision.
He recommends the wall stretch (see the illustration at top-right, and instructions here), which is best done after a gentle warm-up of brisk walking or jogging.
At a second conclave, in February in Ankara, they set up a brisk work programme and asked others to join.
To warm up for a brisk walk, walk slowly for five to 10 minutes.
Prices have been somewhat high but are coming down at a brisk pace as manufacturers ramp up production.
Get up because you need to get stuff done, but make sure you also give yourself a little motivational rewards, whether it be allotted time for a TV show, or a nice brisk walk.
On investigation the lower limbs showed an up-per motor neurone type of lesion with complete loss of power brisk knee and ankle-jerks absent abdominal reflexes and bilateral extensor plantar response.
Just 25 minutes of brisk walking a day can add up to seven years to your life, according to health experts.
Whether it's up north or down south, tourism is enjoying brisk business.
With a well-selected cast and a brisk pace, Giddens Ko's effort manages to keep up a high level of energy throughout the film and he captures adolescent urges with a fun, manga-esque punch.
Fresh air Taking a brisk walk on a fine day will not only revive you, it will wake up your skin, too.
Stand up and pace while you talk on the phone or, even better, take a brisk ten-minute walk outside.
With a well-selected cast and a brisk pace, Giddens Ko's effort manages to keep up a high level of energy throughout the film and he captures adolescent urges with a fun, manga-esque punch.
精心挑选的演员班底再加上轻松愉快的节奏,导演九把刀成功使整部影片显得活力十足,在他的镜头下,青春期的冲动具备一种日式漫画般的幽默力量。 !
The springing up and brisk developing of securities market directly promoted the process of accounting reform.
Fresh air Taking a brisk walk on a fine day will not only revive2 you, it will wake up your skin, too.
Fresh air Taking a brisk walk on a fine day will not only revive2 you, it will wake up your skin, too.