The current bubble economy in Chinas stock market has already surpassed the extent of bubble economy in Japan, and has also formed the mechanism of encouraging speculation.
As also happened in Japan, that growth model has led to the buildup of stress points in the domestic economy: a bubble in the real-estate sector and bad loans in the Banks.
The sea department Jun tree: When I held the post of Japan a prime minister, Japan economy got into a bubble economy most high peak.
As FALLING house prices and tightening credit squeeze America's economy, some worry that the country may suffer a decade of stagnation, as Japan did after its bubble burst in the early 1990s.
After the collapse of bubble economy in Japan, the economy has been at the murky condition for a long time, which had a better change until the later period of 2002.
Japan caught up with the West (and by some accounts exceeded it) in the 1980s, but then the bubble burst, and since 1990 its economy has grown by an average of just one percent per year.
Japan caught up with the West (and by some accounts exceeded it) in the 1980s, but then the bubble burst, and since 1990 its economy has grown by an average of just one percent per year.