Analysis and inquiry of all implemented and unimplemented budget line and details.
That money comes from general tax revenue, and it is a budget line that will need to be increased if we don't want to see an epidemic of hospital closures.
With the tools of production possibility curve and budget line, the paper analyzes the necessary factors of the producer equilibrium state realized by rural household.
This paper mainly analyzes the formative mechanism of this phenomenon based on family unit through the model of budget line, and provides several ways to solve the Education-caused Poverty issue.
The aspirations set out in the proposed programme budget for 2012–2013 may need to be adjusted in line with the reality of the global economic situation.
The first brings the banking sector into line with a measure introduced in last year's supplementary budget, which restricts foreign companies to a minority stake in local joint ventures.
But you should at least show the key business metrics and some of the most important line items in the budget with the entire company.
The bottom line, then, is that while the budget is all over the news, we're not having a real debate;
So they’ve had more than a year and haven’t yet discovered the line in the budget reading “Stuff We Don’t Need, $3.2 trillion.”
他们已经读了一年了,目前还没有在预算中发现诸如“这一项我们不需要,3.2兆美元。” 的文句。
If the Dreamliner starts rolling off the production line towards the end of this year, as Boeing promises, it will be billions over budget and three years behind schedule.
The budget constraint is a straight line through this point with a slope of.
The official line is that the health budget has been protected and will increase.
You need to ensure it services being delivered are in line with business priorities and it costs are within budget.
Some executives don't like to share the entire line by line budget with the team and I can understand that.
The bottom line is that if you have a moderate budget and do not want to get involved with website design then a website designer is for you.
Bill Clinton’s bid to seize the pursestrings from Congress in the 1990s with the line-item budget veto was opposed by Mr Byrd in 14 separate one-hour speeches, learned by heart, to slow up debate.
The City had expected GDP to grow by 0.5%, in line with a forecast from the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) in late November.
Your budget request is way out of line.
General each company has its own fresh born staff salary budget, if have no probation period of less than you the bottom line, suggest or accept, first to learn something, again reflects his value.
Monitors food cost of sales on a regular basis to ensure in line with budget.
Monitors food cost of sales on a regular basis to ensure in line with budget.
Budget and budgetary control seems to stream line the activities of organizations and provides a disciplinary outlook.
And the ills of the federal budget can be cured simply by having an eagle-eyed leader go through it line by line.
Compile and control the budget, and ensure all the costs and expenses are in line with company overall budget.
Next in line were Jonathan Lawrence, Michael French and Scott Miller, none of whom had previously directed a big-budget action movie.
Next in line were Jonathan Lawrence, Michael French and Scott Miller, none of whom had previously directed a big-budget action movie.