The ocean floor rock, basalt, along with the sediment that built up on top of it, was drawn down at the edge of an ocean as part of the conveyor-belt mechanism that moves the continents.
Continuous with a built-up edge. This chip shows the existence of a localized, highly deformed zone of material attached or "welded" on the tool face.
An experimental system is built up in which an iodine cell is used as the edge filter. The experimental results were analyzed in detail.
By electronic microscope analysis, it is found that there is a certain amount of second dispersed phase in the martensite matrix which is the metallurgical factor of forming built-up edge.
On the basis of expounding the basic principle using 2-d wavelet transform for seismic attributes data, the paper built up the effective flow used for multi-scale edge detection of image.
An integrated dynamometer and quick-stop device is developed to investigate into some problems about built-up edge and scaling.
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We believe that our reputation as a producer of quality products and the brand equity which we have built up over the years enable us to maintain a competitive edge over our competitors.