Phil Knight (Founder and CEO) is often quoted as saying that 'Business is war without bullets.'
耐克公司创建者和CEO菲尔·耐特(Phil Knight )最常提及的一句话便是“商场如战场”。
Right now, the most important thing is to keep heated issues of war and peace entirely separate from the slow and tedious business of examining whether Turkey can one day join the EU.
It's complicated because it's a business that reflects our interior, and the interior is always conflicted and at war with itself.
In business, there is nothing more valuable than a technical advantage your competitors don't understand. In business, as in war, surprise is worth as much as force.
Microsoft is profiting from the business war between Tencent and Qihoo 360.
She is a savvy street fighter who invented the term "war room" and can call on the help of some of the dirtiest bruisers in the business.
War is the fiercest competition in human society, while Military Science of Sun Tzu and on war are two theoretical masterpieces on war, which stimulate a further study on business competition.
Sun Tzus Art of War is a Chinese classic, useful in military as well as business.
Sun Tzu's Art of War is a Chinese classic, useful in military as well as business.
Bmw, which didn't get seriously into the auto business until after world war ii, is theworld's largest producer of luxury performance cars, and has a consistent history ofsuccess and growth.
The home market in Japan is small and the market demand is limited, So after the second world war, the Japanese Business has developed the overseas market actively.
The man's name is Eddie Rickenbacker, a great war hero and later a great American Business leader.
War is the business of barbarics.
It is 3 likely that 4 bankers and other business people in the North had shipped the COINS to New Orleans to help the southern city rebuild after the Civil War.
"A lot of things are happening at once: the economy, the war, all of these industries in flux," agrees Lisa Garrett, a 29-year-old who is pursuing a career in the music business.
"A lot of things are happening at once: the economy, the war, all of these industries in flux," agrees Lisa Garrett, a 29-year-old who is pursuing a career in the music business.