Lean in particular is a good way to approach business process automation.
WebSphere Process Server V6.2: A high-performance business process automation runtime engine.
The workflow engine in E-business environment provides flow control for business process automation.
The author is a software professional building reusable data services and business process automation components.
They are doing work that could be done much faster (and with higher accuracy) by using business process automation.
The combination of workflow and data management technology provides a solution to business process automation.
Process Servers is a high-performance business process automation engine to help form processes that meet your business goals.
Workflow management technology plays an important role in business process re engineering (BPR) and business process automation.
As mentioned earlier, the service portfolio that is used for business process automation consists of various types of services, such as.
He has been working on web services, business process automation, mobile development and telecommunication network management based projects.
Services oriented architecture and business process automation have been cornerstones of what IBM calls its "smarter planet" initiatives.
To integrate the information processing environment with the business process automation environment, you can use the IBM InfoSphere Information Services Director.
要将信息处理环境与业务流程自动化环境集成,您可以使用IBMInfoSphere Information Services Director。
I am Vijay Narayanan, a software development team lead building reusable data services and business process automation components working for a financial services firm.
Vijay Narayanan就是我,目前是软件开发团队的队长,负责为金融服务公司构建可重用的数据服务和业务流程自动化组件。
With the possible exception of simple proof-of-concept, proof-of-technology, or demo configurations, real world business process automation environments are highly complex.
Workflow technology is a key technology to business process modeling, simulating, optimizing, management and integration, for the purpose of realizing business process automation.
Posts-R-US is also going to improve their business process automation and flexibility through the use of business process Execution Language (BPEL) and associated tooling (see Resources).
Posts - R - US也打算,通过使用业务流程执行语言(BPEL)和相关工具(参阅参考资料),改进其业务流程的自动化操作和适应性。
When building a service-oriented solution for business process automation, you have to integrate with the information processing technologies that form the base for information as a service.
Workflow management system (WFMS) is the tool and platform to develop and implement workflow. It is mainly used to achieve business process automation and enterprise application integration.
Because it is based on J2EE 1.4 infrastructure and platform services provided by WebSphere Application Server V6, WebSphere process Server includes capabilities such as business process automation.
因为它是基于WebSphereApplicationServerV6提供的J2EE 1.4基础设施和平台服务的,WebSphereProcess Server包括诸如业务流程自动化之类的功能。
In the scenarios above, software requirements are clearly distinguishable from business requirements, both of which are subject to process improvement opportunities and automation.
The pure play BPM products that come from this background aim to ease the automation of software support for such business process descriptions.
Discovering the automation and business process improvement opportunities becomes more obvious when we look at purely manual processes, such as housekeeping.
The first step is to define the business function, which is a defined part of the business process that is supported by information automation.
BPM Suites based on BPMN do provide a more agile implementation style in which business and developers collaborate on process automation.
Combining process automation (WebSphere BPM) and Form technologies can provide key competitive advantages in business scenarios involving human work flow.
In most cases, the best way to improve the efficiency of a business process is to apply automation to it.
It starts out with the modeling of business processes that are composed into services, which are then orchestrated and run on a process automation platform like WebSphere process Server.
该过程从业务流程建模开始,将业务流程分解为服务,然后对服务进行编排,并在诸如WebSphere Process Server等流程自动化平台上运行。
WebSphere process server combines process automation capabilities onto a single, unified server, offering a flexible business-process solution for all process needs.
In order to support the automation and semi-automation of business process, workflow is introduced into the paper for modeling, monitoring and managing the system.
In order to support the automation and semi-automation of business process, workflow is introduced into the paper for modeling, monitoring and managing the system.