Beginning with these problems, this article demonstrates in detail the choice of business management strategy. The methods of case analyzing and theory research is adopted during the argumentation.
The paper based on needs analysis theory and from teaching methods' five angles to do the research on Business English ESP teaching mode in vocational college.
Students can research on business methods by modern Confucian traders and be inspired by the modern Confucian trader's thought.
Research methods: According modern logistics ideas and the business process of freight station, the (author) summarizes as follows through investigating and researching.
Preliminary discussion had been made on constructing a new administrative mode of scientific research by introducing methods of systematic, human-centered, dynamic management and business management.
Here are some normal models and methods of the research to analysis the inner and outside business of the company: SWOT analysis, Baud model, strategy choice matrix model, Competitive strategy model.
To develop an awareness of the state of art of quantitative methods in business research with a special focus on marketing and empirical modeling.
However, both the teaching materials and the relevant teaching methods adopted are various. In fact in the teaching research field there are few studies on business teaching methods.
However, both the teaching materials and the relevant teaching methods adopted are various. In fact in the teaching research field there are few studies on business teaching methods.