It's the long tail argument writ large, and I'm not only talking about books but also book content.
The second option also involved going over to the shelf but, this time, removing the book and then subtly holding onto it for just an extra moment before placing it in the customer's hands.
He not only read the book, but also remembered what he had read.
Then, one day, I came across a book called In Praise of Slowness and realized that being busy is not only detrimental, but also has the danger of turning life into an endless race.
One day, I came across a book called In Praise of Slowness and realized that being busy is not only detrimental, but also has the danger of turning life into an endless race.
I not only had read the book but (also) remembered what I had read.
He not only had read the book, but (also) remembered what he had read.
"Working with the author is absolutely key, but it's also key that the author understand that it's not a book: it's a new storytelling thing, " he said.
“跟作家一起工作当然很关键,但是同样关键的是让作家认识到这并不是一本书,而是一种全新的讲故事方式。” 他说到。
Address Book also looks identical, but dig into its Preferences window and changes are soon apparent.
I've waited for a big digital book lending push like this, but it also got me thinking about what the program signifies.
But I also understood that I must get on with my work and not dwell on one subject or book.
I have mostly learned what I know from your site and other articles about GTD, but I also have the book on order.
Also, I’ve posted an excerpt – When in Doubt, Turn to the Experts – but I highly recommend reading the book in its entirety.
But you can also book your own chef for a weekend, or have a guide help you make your birch whisks for those post-sauna thrashings.
Truth is, my friend not only knows things many of us don't (you know who you are—can I please ghost your book?) but also things the rest of us have forgotten.
He admits as much in his book. But numerous colleagues, he says, also used to enter false information into SocGen's trading system, if not on as large a scale.
But the "enthusiastic welcome" his book earned in America disquieted him almost as much as the savage attacks it also provoked.
This, his third gardening book, is also his first in 25 years, but little here feels fusty or irrelevant.
Not only is the answer an unequivocal "yes," but that's also exactly what this book is designed to give you - the insight and understanding you need about yourself and about the nature of trading.
But as Richard Duncan pointed out in his prescient book "the Dollar Crisis", published in 2003, it also let other countries run huge surpluses.
This blend of instruction and story makes the book not only more readable and interesting, but also more effective, because it actually shows the reader how to apply Black's principles.
But, as author William Stolzenburg writes in a new book, isolation can also be a weakness.
但是,作者William Stolzenburg的一本新书告诉我们与世隔绝也是一个缺点。
Other traditional guide book publishers such as Frommers and Michelin are also available but with fewer volumes - 21 and 16 respectively.
The books can be created with a table of contents or category lists and can be downloaded as free PDF files but also ordered as a printed book from PediaPress.
One way to address this problem is to use a dependency injection framework (Hani and I are big fans of Guice, which we cover in our book, but Spring is also a good option).
But I was also scared of them, scared of book reports and essays.
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It is poignant to think that one of the most lauded businessmen of a generation should be racked by regret, but it also sucks the life from his book.
In this way the book is not only a sound historical survey, but also gives the reader a powerful taste of poetry's impact upon the wider world.
In this way the book is not only a sound historical survey, but also gives the reader a powerful taste of poetry's impact upon the wider world.