We know that memory consolidation can occur in sleep, but we also know that those extra hours studying can do some good.
Abrahim had told him that it was dangerous to sleep alone, but he had also said that if he slept in the town he was certain to be beaten and arrested by the police.
Sleep also plays a role in test performance, but in two unexpected ways.
Not only do babies get to doze their days away, but they've also mastered the fine art of learning in their sleep.
It's important to avoid watching TV in bed, but it's also important to avoid lying in bed worrying about not being able to get to sleep.
They had the volunteers fill out sleep diaries but also measured their movements while in bed to gauge whether they were really asleep.
In fact, the teacher would also like to quilt up late, but to us, they sacrifice their sleep time.
I also want to listen carefully in class, good thinking. But the reality is that classes go to sleep.
A lot of people think that sleep is a kind of lazy, but in fact not, people in sleep time is also to consume function, and people's bad mood also will slow down after sleep.
In my opinion, appropriate sleep can not only refresh our mind but also keep us energetic.
Not only does a full night of sleep leave us happier and with more energy in the morning, but also the better the sleep the healthier we will be.
Airing quilt for an entire day in the brilliant sunshine, taking it home before the sunset and then getting into it to have a sleep does not only make it feel extra warm, but also smell of the sun.
Sleep deprivation is all too common as the semester wraps up, but it's also worth avoiding to ensure your GPA stays in top shape.
Baby will spend two-thirds time in deep sleeping, so a good pillow can not only help baby in a deep sleep, but also protect the baby and his dedicated head.
Getting more sleep can not only help you feel more cheery in the moment, but it can also help lower your risk of depression.
But it can also lead to poor quality sleep including waking up in the middle of the night.
Jet lag is the best known circadian rhythm disorder, but this sensitive inner clock can also be disrupted by changes in routine resulting in an erratic sleep schedule.
Automatic oxygen supply, there won't be any reaction, electronic display also reminders security, less active, adequate sleep, but in fact can't.
So, go to sleep before food in the stomach has been digested, will not produce a sense of abdominal distension, this helps people fall asleep, but also to reduce obesity did not give birth.
Tononi and a growing number of other scientists believe that sleep - not just in flies but also in higher-order mammals - may perform such a pressure-releasing role.
托诺尼和越来越多的科学家们认为,睡眠- - -不仅仅是在果蝇身上,而且在高级哺乳动物身上- - -也可能起到这种释放压力的作用。
In order to solve the problem is always how to do sleep, many patients also tried many self-prescriptions, but the effect is not how good recipe, which become more worry and anxiety.
Advocate the bedroom satisfied master rest sleep, but also for the hostess provide fashion dress function, love beautiful heart person all has, in the spare time for health.
Advocate the bedroom satisfied master rest sleep, but also for the hostess provide fashion dress function, love beautiful heart person all has, in the spare time for health.