And so the valentine was sent, not for love, but as a joke.
Liz meant it as a joke but it fell flat.
I can enjoy a joke as well as the next man , but this is going too far.
As a teenager, she was a member of the French national synchronised swimming team, and she likes to joke that this taught her not only teamwork and self-discipline, but also how to hold her breath.
Britain's trains rank alongside its weather as a standing national joke, but that hasn't stopped people flocking to them over the past decade.
"No. Not at all," he said, sounding as if he were telling a subtle joke. "But maybe you'll finally understand."
"It sounds like a joke," said business owner Mauricoa Quintero as he recently paused outside a Wachovia Bank branch in Miami. "But it sounds safer than the turmoil out there right now."
Now when they were first shown, most people thought they were a joke, but they really mark Andy's coming of age as a pop painter.
She hated his familiarity, but passed it off as a joke.
The boy meant it as a joke but the Chinese student was not amused and the two boys exchanged angry words.
But because Bart is a practical joke on Anne, and Anne hated him, with Bart as enemy, want to go beyond his grades.
The Church still regards their relationship as living in sin, but many people nowadays use the phrase as a joke.
The joy of laughing at a funny story is universal, probably as old as language itself. But, what is it that makes a story or a joke funny?
I can enjoy a joke as well as the next man, but this is far off track.
I don't know why people surrounding me like saying "I am a farmer" as a joke, of course, but this really affect me so much.
It was said as a joke, but if the man had seen the evil look on Fagin's face, he might have thought the warning was a necessary one.
I intended to make a joke, but my remark came out as unintentionally rude.
Even thought lots of people consider this video as nothing but a joke, but in deed, we should pay more attention to older people.
Comments: I was amused by this joke, when I first came across this funny story. But as a teacher, when I read this once again, I am deeply moved. How lovely this little boy is!
I suspect Ronnie tripped me so that I wouldn't be able to play tomorrow. He did it not as a joke but out of malice.
There is a storm of singin 'in "la la Land," but no rain; the clemency of the weather is a God-given joke, and, even at Christmas, when Mia walks home after dark, she is clad as if for June.
One is a fake psychic and the other his sidekick, but what started out as a joke has turned into a full time job for Shawn and Gus.
To his surprise, Diana treated his proposal as a joke, She actually giggled. But soon she could see that Prince Charles was serious.
To his surprise, Diana treated his proposal as a joke, She actually giggled. But soon she could see that Prince Charles was serious.