They might be coming in peace, for all mankind, but Americans are clear that the development of the new, high, final frontier should be led by them, and no one else.
This will not occur overnight, but over the coming 100-200 year cycle for all species upon earth, including mankind.
Each solar system anchors a particular archetype that is unity based for not only mankind, but also all species upon Earth.
3797 – By this time on Earth killed all life, but mankind will be able to lay the foundations for a new life in another stellar system.
Mankind may utilize nature and even try to transform it. But we are after all a part of nature. We should care for nature and not place ourselves above it.
But you are not alone. All mankind is traveling with you, for all mankind is on this same quest.
But you are not alone. All mankind is traveling with you, for all mankind is on this same quest.