People not only keep fit or keep a good shape through doing more physical exercises, but also through making friends who have the similar interests.
People may be relocating only temporarily, but the businesses they supported are shuttering for good, and when they do, jobs will disappear, driving more residents away.
Serious apprenticeships may look like a good alternative, but more people apply for precious BAE or Rolls-Royce places than for Oxbridge.
But in general, I think most people would like to have good pay with more time off.
The good news for farmers that do have coffee to sell is that they will be getting paid more for their coffee. But if more people start planting coffee, prices will inevitably come down.
Chances are you’ll be responsible for producing a good chunk of cash, but people will be more willing to help if they know their tax-deductible contribution is going toward a good cause.
People not only keep fit or keep a good shape through doing more physical exercises, but also make many friends who have the similar interests.
More people have begun to write speculative fictions but the quality is not as good as we expect, and there is a lack of insight in the works.
The scientists hope to find more people who have trouble identifying voices, but are also seeking people at the opposite end of the scale, who are unusually good at it.
I've heard from a good number of my readers already, and so far I've been super-impressed by the caliber of people hanging out here, but I want to hear from even more.
The tool is clearly very useful as a way to learn more about people whose usernames you come across online. It's not perfect but it's often quite good.
Most people see soldiers as little more than armed development-aid workers, who expend goodwill and good works, but do not get harmed.
The culture, people, and interpersonal dynamics of a startup are far more qualitative but perhaps the most vital accelerators or inhibitors of good execution.
Different people respond differently, but it's a good rule of thumb not to take them for more than two days in a week.
Now, some of you who are very cynical and/or very good looking might wonder "yes, but good-looking people like me actually are smarter, more competent, more social and morally better."
All in all, failure is a bad thing for people, but it is a good chance for us to learn more from it and become successful in the future.
More people than before think he is doing a good job -44%, up from 40%-but the increase in those who think he isn't is greater-30%, up from 23% (see chart 4).
Aim too high for people who like to challenge is good, but for most people it, instead more easily upset, it was easy to give up.
"Find good people and let them get on with it" is a good management principle everywhere, but nowhere more than in the pursuit of knowledge.
Eventhough the scenery outside is very good, but for people who had to stay inside and cannot enjoy the outside (like Ggong), could feel more lonely.
More people are living longer these days, but the good news comes shadowed by the possible increase in cases of age-related mental decline.
I give people recommend portal links, although expensive, but the results are good, the new stations do not have to buy 1-3 more than enough.
我给人建议购买门户链接,虽然很贵,但是效果是很好的,新站不用多购买1 - 3个就够了。
I give people recommend portal links, although expensive, but the results are good, the new stations do not have to buy 1-3 more than enough.
我给人建议购买门户链接,虽然很贵,但是效果是很好的,新站不用多购买1 - 3个就够了。