Helping and loving others is more important to health than feeling helped and loved oneself. Sounds philosophical but turned out to be scientific fact.
But the more important consideration here is the overall health of the application server and, more broadly, the health of the SOA.
But in this interview, Professor John Conly argues that the overuse and misuse of antibiotics leading to antimicrobial resistance - the theme of World Health Day 2011 - is the more important topic.
但在接受采访时,John Conly教授认为过度使用和滥用抗生素导致抗菌素耐药性,即2011年世界卫生日的主题,是更为重要的问题。
Remember, work is important, but your health is even more important!
Taking more physical exercise is an important way of improving general health, but not because of its direct impact on the fat around your belly.
In a restaurant they add more fat and oil to dishes to make them taste better, but for me, health is more important.
Figure is not just to be pretty smart, but more important for health. this view is more and more accepted. keep a figure can be achieved through many ways, how did you do it?
Child health is a very important topic, which is not only related to the care about parents, teachers, governors, but also to more care about children themselves.
But your health is more important, Carl. Believe me.
Philip: But your health is more important, Carl.
Philip: But your health is more important, Carl.