But in that day which bids good-bye with you.
Then, one day, I came across a book called In Praise of Slowness and realized that being busy is not only detrimental, but also has the danger of turning life into an endless race.
I took the test and felt peaceful, I don't remember what my grade was, but what happened that day has stayed in my heart and mind ever since.
Zhu Keming never thought he would be a hero one day, but he was just that on Saturday when he saved the lives of six runners during the mountain marathon in Baiyin, Gansu Province, in which 21 people lost their lives.
One day, I came across a book called In Praise of Slowness and realized that being busy is not only detrimental, but also has the danger of turning life into an endless race.
I work in the airline industry, and that day affected not only my job, but my life.
He would have liked to announce the closure of the prison camp at guantanamo on his first day in office. But that proved hugely problematic.
Television is the only technology that can reach so many people in a single day. But others are not far behind.
In cultures that don't celebrate Halloween and Valentine's day but consider other days particularly auspicious or inauspicious, does this effect also happen?
Nobody can get that extra hour in the day, but parents can make time with their children count and can find ways to get more time at home.
Scientists thought they'd caught a glimpse on Valentine's Day in 1982, but that experimental result has never been reproduced.
That change in growth will of course happen one day, but you'd have to have very good reasons to say that it will occur between those two dates.
It sounds like a little thing, but I believe that the difference I made in my team that day over that.
Motivation is the key, but it’s not always easy, day in and day out, to find that motivation.
Motivation is the key, but it's not always easy, day in and day out, to find that motivation.
But on that day in May, he was stopped in his tracks by a routine blood test.
"The most wonderful thing happens on that Tuesday," says Singsaas. "There are people you only see once a year, that day, in costume, but you recognize each other and are great friends!"
'We sometimes feel sorry for the men who are stuck in the office all day, but not that often.'
We know that one day we must die, but usually we picture that day as far in the future. When we are in buoyant health, death is all but.
Sometimes it shines by night, sometimes by day, but always it rises and sets, as in that other life.
He kept up with his son that day, but the 40-minute jog did him in.
But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.
But in Monaco you feel every day that you are living in a monarchy, as if you were an 18th-century peasant.
But where does that leave us in this day and age of home theaters and ever growing DVD collections?
No one would deny that the modes of communication are changing rapidly, perhaps as rapidly as in Gutenberg's day, but it is misleading to construe that change as unprecedented.
But all in all, Rosenbloom says, it's your calorie total that matters, day or night.
It may be difficult initially, but you'll be gaining that much extra time in your day.
The tips in this article are small but meaningful steps that you can take each day to lead you to true happiness.
The simulation is not really interested simultaneously in all the customers that will shop during a day, but only in the ones who contend for checkout aisles at the same time.
But a White House meeting later in the day highlighted work that still needs to be done to reach a final agreement.