Not sure what is, but it looks good.
Congressional Observer Publications has a bunch of information (including roll call votes) about Congress. This is a commercial site, but it looks good.
I grant you (that) it looks good, but it's not exactly practical.
It looks to be in quite a good location, a bit out of town and quiet but with good transport, and quite near a beach.
Whether the money will actually be released is another matter, but for now it looks good.
It looks good, but it’s not really usable.
It still looks good, modern and understated styling matching your modern and understated life, but we're left wanting some updates.
On the face of it, this looks like a good deal—but factor in the differing productivity rates, and the Vietnamese factory's cost edge drops to 14 percent.
乍看起来还不错,但考虑到二者在生产率上的不同,越南工厂的成本优势就下降到了 14%。
When you're designing a Web application, it's important not only to test it with sample data, but to ensure that it looks good and is helpful when there is nothing there yet.
But it looks a good way to investigate that most alien creature of all: man.
Lots of sites have a disaster when it comes to the implementation, but the site itself looks pretty good.
It looks really good but Big Boss is a niche product.
Food is art not just if it looks good but if it makes you aware of richer meanings, beyond the simple fact of filling you up.
The housing plan announced this week looks good in the sense that it will help many homeowners, but it won't spur a new housing boom.
But the person who looks after the child at home does not necessarily have to be the mother: the father or another person who is well disposed towards it may do an equally good job.
A 44% rise in passenger Numbers over the past 12 years looks good, but it has come at vast cost.
This solution looks nice but takes a good bit of work on your part to make it work well.
Females, Greenhalgh notes, "have to get it right" - so, often, males have to prove not just good looks, but good health.
Distributed computing may or may not find aliens. But it looks a good way to investigate that most alien creature of all: man.
The family was not well off but his mother gave him a work ethic and was prone to sayings such as: “If something looks too good to be true, it probably is.”
Diesel oil looks not so good, but there is no choice. Why is it red? Because it was specially tinted so that nobody steals it.
It looks like he will at least try. But first, he's got to put on a good show so he can gain everyone's trust and become Chuck's guardian.
And hold you at home and cultivating a pot of daffodils, so that not only looks good, but also conducive to air it!
It looks good. But can I try it on?
It looks good to me, but you can try on a bigger size if you feel uncomfortable.
Followed by a second, I want to write this one looks very little, but it is not good to write to write.
Followed by a second, I want to write this one looks very little, but it is not good to write to write.